2024 Photo Contest
General Information
The 2024 ALG Photo Contest will run from April 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024.
There are four categories:
1. Adult butterflies
2. Adult moths
3. Immature stages (cocoons, chrysalises, caterpillars and eggs)
4. Freestyle (Anything Lepidoptera related + no geographic constraints) -
Voting will be done by the membership through the website in November. Details to follow.
Entered photos may need to be slightly cropped for display on the website for voting.
Winning photos will be posted on the ALG website.
Questions? email : algphotocontest@gmail.com
Entrants must be Alberta Lepidopterist Guild Members.
Photos must be taken by the entrant.
Photos are eligible taken between April 1, 2024 and October 31, 2024.
Photos are only accepted if they were taken in: Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Yukon or Northwest Territories (does not apply to the freestyle category).
Maximum 1 photo entry per category.
No composite photos.
Photos must be 25 MB or less (to be be able to attach to email for entry)
Photos must show the subject alive and in its natural environment. Moth sheets are an exception and will be allowed.
How to Enter​
Email your photo to: algphotocontest@gmail.com
1. Your name
2. Species name (best guess is fine!)
3. Date the photo was taken (as accurate as possible)
4. The category you are entering
5. A description of your photo, or the experience of getting it! -
If you do not receive a confirmation email. Please contact us.